Renovating your office or workspace does not need to cost you the earth in loan repayments. Making a few small changes can make a big difference. If you are unable to free up the money from the company itself, it might be necessary to take out a business loan to cover the costs of your renovations.
By searching online review sites such as, you are able to find companies who have been highly rated to have the best rated startup loans. But as with anything these days, always make sure you do as much research as you can and read the fine print carefully.
Renovating your office need not include breaking down walls, or installing new cubicles, but can rather be about optimizing the space that you do have in the best way. When looking at what the best investments are for both the company and your employees, here are a few ideas that might inspire you.
Create a creative space:
By purchasing a large table with enough seats around it for employees, you can create a creative space where employees can exchange ideas and insights in a safe space. It can also be a space where employees can gather to have an informal meeting, or even gather to have a drink or a slice of cake to celebrate a colleague’s birthday. The options are endless. An energising and exciting workplace can do much to improve the mood of employees, and in turn boost morale and productivity.
Set up a gratitude and motivations board:
This is really a simple concept. All it takes is a large whiteboard mounted to a large wall in an open area of the office. Employees are encouraged to write their gratitude for assistance with a project or even a motivation to a colleague who was able to complete a mammoth task and meet their deadline. A gratitude and motivation board can do wonders in making an employee feel validated, valued, and part of a team. The board will act as a reminder as to why it is so important to give it your all.
When working in an open plan space, the desks that are filled first are always those closest to the windows. Research shows that light, airy workspaces are essential to productivity and in increasing energy and mood of employees. Without knocking down walls, look at ways that you can introduce new fresh lighting into your office space. Placing plants on desks and windowsills is also another way of bringing the outside in and making employees feel that they are in an airy space with fresh air and greenery.
Decor can make a huge difference in your office. You can change a dreary open plan office into an artist’s dream with colours and geometric prints, as well as fun coloured ergonomic office furniture. Creating a pleasant working space for employees can inspire new ideas and increase enthusiasm in the task they are doing.